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How to analyze the liquid holdup in post processing?

    • AbdulZahir

      I have simulated my case and now i need to analyze the liquid hold up in the packing area. How can i do so? Can someone please guide me?

    • Karthik Remella
      Hello I'm not sure if I understand your question completely. Do you wish to estimate the volume of liquid in the domain?
    • AbdulZahir
      Yes I need to estimate the liquid volume per volume of packing (domain).
    • AbdulZahir
      Yes I need to estimate the liquid volume per volume of packing (domain).
    • Karthik Remella
      Hello I'm assuming that this is a multiphase simulation. You could estimate the volume of the region where the volume fraction is either 0 or 1 (depending on which phase you select). You should be able to create an iso-clip based on a set criterion and then estimate the volume using the Volume Integrals solution. You can then divide by this obtained value with the total volume of the domain.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Depending on the model used you can also report the phase volume in the domain.
    • AbdulZahir
      So you mean i need to calculate the volume of secondary phase (m3) (water in my case) in interior of the geometry and then divide it by the total volume (m3) of the domain ?
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Yes, just use the volume integral for each volume you need to report on. Note, porous media doesn't occupy a real volume so use some caution.
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