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How to achieve this simulation sequence in rocky


    • Shyam Prasad V Atri

      I have a particle p1 generated at position x0 y0 z0

      This particle is moving downward in a direction.

      Now after the bond time t1 is reached, the particle diameter will change from d to 0.9d

      And another particle p2 with diameter d will be generated at t1 position x0 y0 z0 and this will be moving downward

      Now as 2*t1 is reached the diameter of particle p1 will become 0.8d

      For particle p2 also as 3*t1 is reached the diameter will be 0.9d and for particle p1 the diameter will be 0.7d.

      As the particles move downward there is bond between the particles

      Similarly I will keep generating 5 particles of diameter d at position x0 y0 z0 as bond times t1, 2*t1 , 3*t1....5*t1 are reached. And as it moves downward I want to reduce the diameter of the particle.

      This is a visual representation of what I am trying to achieve. Please tell me if it is possible to do in rocky

    • Lucas Bertollo Baggio
      Ansys Employee


      yes, I think it is possible :)

      You can use Particle Custom Inputs to add the particles at the desired time and position, and use the Transient Size Scale module for the size reduction. 

      Download the modules package via the Ansys Customer Portal page and access the Rocky User Manual for more details on the Particle Custom Inputs.

      Best regards,



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