TAGGED: -waveguide, 3DFDTD
December 13, 2024 at 9:51 am
December 16, 2024 at 9:27 amAfroditi PetropoulouAnsys Employee
Dear Pengsheng,
Thank you for contacting us.
As explained in sourcepower - Script command – Ansys Optics, if multiple sources are used, the sourcepower(f) command will return the sum of all sourcepowers from all sources. If you want to calculate the sourcepower from a specific source, you need to use sourcepower(f, option, name), where “name” is the name of this source.
If you have two sources each corresponding to a different single wavelength, most of the power for this wavelength will come from the corresponding source. For example, let’s assume that you have two sources named source_400 which has wavelength of 400nm and source_700 which has wavelength of 700nm. If you look at the sourcepower that corresponds to 400nm using script, you will get the following results:
The sourcepwer of source_700 that corresponds to 400nm wavelength is 11 orders of magnitude lower than the one of source_400. Hence, if you use sourcepower(f_400) without specifying the source name, you will get the sourcepower of source_400 since the sourcepower of source_700 at 400nm wavelength is negligible.
Best regards,
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