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How DO radiation model deal with fluid species radiation?

    • Weiqiang Liu
      Hi all,I am using DO model in fluent to consider radiation effects of a reactor. I checked participates in radiation in cell zone conditions panel which meanes I considere fluid media as particupating in radiation in my model. nThe fuel in my model is methane air mixture and it's a multi-component system which imports chemkin mechanisms. In the Materials panel, I have to set absorption coefficient, scattering coefficient and refractive index for mixture materials.nMy confusion is:how can I set up these coefficients? If the fuel is composed by methane and air mixture, then the set up of these coefficients is based on what kind of species in the system? Are there any basic rules for this?nCan anybody give me some suggestions?nBest regardsnweiqiangn
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      They're a material property, so the gas will absorb/refract etc based on the composition. n
    • Weiqiang Liu

      They're a material property, so the gas will absorb/refract etc based on the composition./forum/discussion/comment/99010#Comment_99010

      Hi Rob,nDo you know some experience formula which I can follow to estimate these coefficients of methane/air mixture?nBest regardsn
    • DrAmine
      Ansys Employee
      Check in the help for Radiation in Combusting Flowsn
    • Weiqiang Liu

      Check in the help for Radiation in Combusting Flows/forum/discussion/comment/99013#Comment_99013

      Dr. Amine,nThanks for your advice.nbest regardsnweiqiangn
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