TAGGED: source, spectrogram-interconnect
October 2, 2024 at 8:45 pm
SubscriberHi, I want to create a custom optical signal in Lumerical interconnect. Is there a way to do this? I have the signal in the frequency domain (spectrum), TE mode, power, form of the wave... I tried to use the "scripted optical source" but I didn't find enough information in the help page about how to do a custom signal.
October 3, 2024 at 3:56 pm
Guilin Sun
Ansys EmployeeFirst, if it is linear simulation, it is not necessary to have your own time signal, except you want time domain response only.
You can refer to the following examples:
https://optics.ansys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360036108934-Signal-Aligner-ALN-INTERCONNECT-Elementand this forum post  custom time signals in Lumerical INTERCONNECT
you can follow the steps outlined in the provided documentation. For instance, to generate a 16QAM modulation signal and adjust the electrical signals to fit in the [0,2V] MZM driving voltage range, you would start a new INTERCONNECT project and drag and drop the required elements, connecting them as specified in the instructions. Additionally, you can use the two electrical signals to drive the MZM for modulation.
October 8, 2024 at 3:58 pm
SubscriberI think I'm overcomplicating things. I just want a CW laser that can cover an arbitrary wavelength range, for example, from 1200 nm to 1300 nm.
October 8, 2024 at 4:27 pm
Guilin Sun
Ansys EmployeeLassr, as its name indicated, is a narrow CW source. You may try to add a bandwidth. Or you may also use more than one source.
If it is frequency domain simulation, you do not need cw source: https://optics.ansys.com/hc/en-us/articles/360042323794-Ring-resonator-using-INTERCONNECT-primitive-elements
What is your simulation purpose? Please search app galley and see if you can find a reference example.
October 8, 2024 at 4:40 pm
SubscriberI designed an spectrometer, an I'm testing it with several optical signal to see if I'm capable of reproduced the original spectrum at differents wavelengths. I used CW lasers with a combiner to test if I was capable to reproduced several combinations of wavelengths and the test was positve. However, the true test is an special spectrum , and this spectrum has a fluorescence signal over all the wavelengths I'm testing. That's my problem, how do I aggregate this fluorescence signal over al the waverange?.Â
Thanks for helping me.
October 8, 2024 at 9:19 pm
Guilin Sun
Ansys EmployeePlease note that INTERCONNECT is designed to simulate laser singals, not fluorescene. using CW lasers with a combiner to have broadband is the solution for broadband. if the intensity is not uniform, you can change the amplitude/power for each laser source.
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