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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

how boundary condition k dissipating into domain?

    • anitachen_

      I tried to create a void domain with velocity inlet B.C. on S,E sides, outflow B.C. on N,W sides. For the velocity inlet, I used a UDF describing an atmospheric boundary layer (ABL), setting k=11.01 and the wind direction to be SSE. After reaching convergence (all residual reached 10^-4), the resulting k contour looked like this.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      The equations for the turbulence models are covered in the manual. I assume you mean pressure outlet? If you used outflow please correct and re-run.
    • anitachen_
      Thank you for your advice. I have changed the outlet boundary condition to pressure outlet, and the result is similar.
      I understand the turbulence models (k and omega transport equation), just don't see why the 2 inlets(South and East sides) with the same inlet boundary condition showed different results in the near boundary area... Is there a reasonable explanation?
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