3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

High temperature in the CFD results

    • Abbas Al-Lami

      I was using 2024R1 without any noticeable problems, but after switching to 2024R2, I encountered an issue with an unusually high temperature value for the surface. The error message reads: 'The maximum temperature (3000°C) for this simulation is very high. Check the model setup'. The temperature value should be around 60°C. I tried resetting the setup, but nothing changed.

    • NickFL

      - Is it just for a couple of iterations and it goes away? Or does it persist throughout the solution?

      - If you have an old saved solution, and using that for an initial condition, continue to solve and see if you get the message.

      - Double and triple check all your boundary conditions. Are all the surfaces assigned the correct conditions?

    • Abbas Al-Lami

      It is shown in the final results. I have carefully checked the BCs. I havent faced this issue in persious versions and these issue appeared at different simulations with different CFD domains. As you see below, the max. temperate should be not exceed a 61C because we dont have a heat source in the system.


    • NickFL

      Are there large areas that are showing these extreme temperatures (there is also -181°C region)? Or is it simply a couple of cells? What is the mesh quality in these regions?

      I am not exactly sure what your problem is, can you simulate it as isothermal? And then turn on the energy equation after the solution is mostly converged. 

    • Abbas Al-Lami


      It seems becuase of  rotation boundary condition. When I remove the rotation condition, the temperature looks relastic. But why😬?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      With a rotation speed of 6500 rpm what sort of tip velocity are you getting? Have you then resolved the flow in those regions: Nick's comment re the effected areas is also something to check. A monitor and warning isn't overly useful when diagnosing solution issues. 

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