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High Aspect Ratios at Internal Boundary Type – smaller cell sizes don’t work

    • Ivosp

      I have divided a fluid into 2, where the inside is a sphere and the outside is a cuboid. The inside has a box (dead body) inside. The 2 fluid bodies share a zone, the spherical boundary between them. I connected those surfaces in SpaceClaim. After meshing it looks like this:

      As you can see, the cells are divided by color depending on which of the two fluid bodies they belong to. I assume this is right, but it's my first time with a "shared zone". 

      My problem is, that the aspect ratios at this boundary are kind of high (5...20). A few of those cells are highlighted in the following pic. It seems like the cause for the high aspect ratio is that the mesh really splits those cells into two parts and therefore it's likely that at least one of them has a high aspect ratio. I don't know how to deal with this, because smaller cell sizes don't work (or it doesn't help enough, the aspect ratio stays above 5).

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee


      You can try increasing the the number peel layers of your poly-hexcore mesh in the Generate the Volume Mesh task to see if it improves the growth from the interface to the hexcore mesh. 

    • Federico
      Ansys Employee

      You can also find more information in the Fluent User Guide: 3.15. Generating the Volume Mesh (ansys.com)

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