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HFSS SBR+ Simulation


    • Hari MK

      I have attached a screenshot of my simulation here. I am performing a parametric sweep. However, when I perform the same parametric sweep when i set he dielecric property of the brick, the simulation pauses at the current step. It works fine when I set the material to be PEC. The parametric beam sweeps from -1000mm to 1000mm in 40mm increments. The excitation frequency is 77Ghz to 80Ghz with 7.5Mhz increcements.

      Things I have done 

      1) I have increased the number of cores under HPC options 

      2) I have reduced the complexity of the mesh ( from 6000 faces -> 1000 faces )

      What are some things I can do to ensure the simulation completes? 


    • Aymen Mzoughi
      Ansys Employee

      You can use GPU computing to accelerate SBR+ simulations

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