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HFSS, Rectangular plot marker for fixed relative Y-axis values


    • M.Moba24

      Hello, I was wondering if there is a way to have the markers in a rectangular plot (for example s-parameters) get a relative position with reference to another marker in the Y-axis. for example in the image below, I want m2 and m3 to be 3 dB lower than m1 (or as close to 3 dB lower as possible). I don't want to place them manually and look at their values, it is quite hard to accurately position them, since I want them to be as close as possible to the relative values that I want.

      Thank you


    • Yang Zhao
      Ansys Employee

      Hi M,

      You may want to try the "Add Y Marker". When adding two Y markers, we can set the second Y value Y2=Y1-3dB.


      Hope this helps.



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