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HFSS, Load resistance sweep


    • M.Moba24

      Hello, I have a two port network in HFSS, each port is a lumped port with a port impedance and I want to make a differential voltage reading across the load resistance. In the image below I want to make a sweep on the load resistance at port 2 and see the voltage across it (in the image below it has a 303 value and named R25). Based on the fact that the characteristic impedance of port 2 affects the z-parameters, I want to know what I should put for the port impedance of port 2. Should it be equal to the load resistance?

      Also I would appreciate any recommendations on how I should approach accurately reading the voltage across the load resistance in HFSS. I am sweeping for a wide range of resistances from 1 Ohm to 100kOhms. Thank you.


    • Rong Liu
      Ansys Employee

      You need a co-simulation with HFSS and Circuit. You need to add a new Circuit design in the project (Project-->Insert a Circuit Design), drag and drop the HFSS design to the Circuit and add resistor in Circuit and sweep it. Refer to this Youtube Set Yourself Up for Success | Better Results With Grammarly "

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