General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Help in defining reinforced material model in ansys.

    • mhannan
      Hello, I am trying to do opthalmological simulation. For the thin tissues of eye, I have to define fiber reinforced material model "Mooney-Rivlin Von Mises Distributed Fibers". 
      Mooney-Rivlin coefficient 1
      Exponential stress coefficient
      Fiber uncrimping coefficient
      Fiber concentration factor
      How can I define this model in ansys??
    • John Doyle
      Ansys Employee

      Many materials involving human tissue fall under the structural category of a directionally dependent anisotropic hyperelastic material.  Please see MAPDL Command Reference Manual for 'TB,AHYPER,,,'  and supporting documentation (Section of the R2024-R2 Material Reference Guide) for more details.   If this material option does not suffice, you probably need to consider writing a customized usermat.F or userhyper.F routine.

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