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Heat transfer between two bodies problem

    • Szczepan


      I prepared a simple model (in order to demonstrate my problem). There are two rods (with the same cross section) joined by the common wall. On the opposite walls in each rods there are a Temp. boundary condition ex. +100K and +20K. I have a coupled wall/wall-shade connection between the rods.

      There is a heat transfer between the rod but only in one direction. I mean the temperature +20K is copying up to the border and whole of the one rod has +20K. On the second rod the temperature is spreaded between +20K and +100K.

      Do you have any suggestion what may be a problem?

    • Kishan Konannavar
      Ansys Employee
      Could you provide screenshots of your domain and the settings used for the simulation? What material properties are being used? Is this a conduction only problem being solved?

      Thank you

    • Szczepan
      Hello Unfortunately I have some day off at the moment. Model is very simple. I only wanted to check the heat transfer between the border of two simple elements. This was my main target, because on my more complicated model I have noticed that on the connection between two elements heat is only transported from element A to element B - I mean that element A is cooling element B but element B isn't heating element A - the clear border of temperatures is visible - straight line. I thought previously that problem would be in direction between SOURCE and TARGET of INTERFACES established by contact regions. Maybe the problem is in the method of calculation results displaying.
      Maybe if you have time, you can draw two simple boxes (rods) with the connection on the common wall and try to show your results with two different constant temperatures assigned onto opposite walls.
      Thank you.
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      And when it works for us we won't be any further diagnosing your problem. Please post images of the problem and the mesh you're using.
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