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HEAT: Results after sweep have different sizes -> lock meshing?


    • leon.neymeyer

      Hi, I am trying to run a sweep over a length of a rectangle. But I am not getting any results even though I am running the sweep. In the picture you can see that the sizes of are different and therefore cannot be saved. I think it has something to do with the meshing as the simulation region is fixed. How can I lock the mesh or fix this problem?

      This is my error message:

      "Error: prompt line 1: The optimization or parameter sweep object 'spacing_sweep' has no results, please run the optimization or parameter sweep before using getsweepresult."

      Thank you!

    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Leon,

      Thank you for reaching out to us! May I ask whether you have data in your optimization and Sweeps tab? You should have a red rectangle next to the name of your sweep:

      If not, can you right click on it and Run it?

      Let me know if that worked.

      Kind Regards,


      • leon.neymeyer

        Hi, thanks for your quick reply. I get this message when I try to run the sweep. It cannot save the data because each result of my "sweeploop" has a different size. Can I set the size of the result in scripting?

    • leon.neymeyer

      would more scripting code help?

    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Leon,

      Thank you for the clarification. Here is what you are asking for:

      Creating parameter sweeps using a script. But I am afraid that this might mot be the route of your warnings. May I ask you to also send me a screendhot of your struscture and explain how and you are sweeping over?

      Kind Regards,


      • leon.neymeyer


        I have this structure in which there are heating electrodes (here in yellow). I have heated these heating electrodes and want to look at the heat distribution in the substrate. This works great, but now I want to sweep across the width of the heating electrodes and look at the heat distribution at different widths. If I change the length manually, this works, but if I use the sweep function, the results of each sweep are different in size and therefore apparently cannot be saved. To change the width, I sweep over the x-span. I also placed a temperature monitor on a waveguide (the yellow squares below) to look at the results there.

        Best Regards,


    • Niki Papachristou
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Leon,

      Thank you for the clarification, I believe the reason that you can't save your results is beacuse of what is reference one this note:

      On the article:Thermally tuned waveguide (FDE)

      Kind Regards,


      • leon.neymeyer

        Now everything works fine! Thank you :)

      • leon.neymeyer

        Hi Niki,

        If I lock the mesh, I no longer have the error, but the sweep does not work properly. As you can see from the screenshot you provided, changes to the geometry are not reflected in the simulation. This is fine when I sweep over the power, but is a problem when I want to sweep over the geometry (x span). You can see that the results do not change when I use the sweep method, but they do change when I change the x-span by hand. How can I solve this? Should I manually sweep over the length using a for-loop or can I lock/unlock the mesh during the sweep?

        Result after Sweeping are the same:

        I have manually adjusted the x-span in this result. So I would expect this result on the last sweep:

        Thanks in Advance!

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