

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Heat expression

    • Agung Limowa

      hi, i need to model a heat flux based on coordinate, like if y<-50m , Heat = 150 -(y-50)*0.12, can fluent handle conditional based on coordinates ?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Have a look at Expressions. I would tend to split the wall at y=-50m to simplify the setup, and also to have a separate surface for reporting. No need to, I just tend to try and keep models simple when I can. 

    • Agung Limowa

      i still didnt get it how to calculate using if function on ansys what mean ?


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You will need to read up on Expressions, and then use the Expression on the wall boundary condition. 

    • Agung Limowa

      hi I have tried to calculate and create an expression but it has 2 different dimensions so I want to make the temperature increase as the position decline, so it has [m] dimension and [C] dimension. i have tried to split the expression but it didn't seem to work, what i should do

    • Agung Limowa

      i have solved the problem, thankyou

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