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Glass Tempering Simulation(Glass Relaxation and Fictive Temperature)

    • OÄŸuzhan ogoz

      Hi everyone,

      I would want to ask something about Glass Tempering Process Which ı read the article about this issue. How can ı calculate the partial  fictive temperature. 

       I know the fictive temperature =real temperature till to Tg, but ı want to calculate coorelation about Tf and structural relaxation times,weigthing factor also partial fictive temperature. ı just know the initial fictive temperature.

      That's the article that I wanna learn. There is bulk and shear prony series Also relaxation times and structural part and I added the other properties depended to temperature.

      photos from the article :

      Effect of glass temperature before cooling and cooling rate

      on residual stresses in tempering

      Antti Aronen · Reijo Karvinen


      I created the tension stress, center of the glass and compression at the surface. That's phonomena  tempered of glass. 


    • OÄŸuzhan ogoz


      That’s the engineering data which ı created.I estimated the partial fictive temperature for just check what’s gonna happen



    • OÄŸuzhan ogoz

      Anyone for help?

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