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Getting temperature at specific position using UDF in fluent

    • usama.mo2000

       I am trying to compute the temperature at specific position like at x=.01 and y=.02 using a udf code the code loops through all cell threads and cell to look for the cell near the target coordinates however the code repeats its self 5 times ---I don't know why--- finding the cell in the midway and compute the temperature then it repeat the process missing the cell and don't retain temperature value although it is a global value and back to the initial one                                                                              

      Any help I will be really grateful

    • usama.mo2000

      I found out the solution I should use series instead of parallel processing

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      You may also find the parallel chapter in the UDF manual to be helpful. That way you can run parallel and only do the check once. 

      However, if you don't need the value in a UDF for additional processing you may find a monitor to be sufficient. 

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