General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Geometry condensation with joints

    • Clarkt


      I am trying to perform a geometry condensation of an assembly consisting of two bodies. The connection between the two bodies should be modeled as a constant 6x6 stiffness matrix between two remote points. 

      The modal analysis was performed with MPC184 elements whose formulation is not supported by the geometry condensation feature. Using a bushing connection or a COMBI250 element is not sufficient because it covers only the diagonal terms of the stiffness matrix and in my case the off-diagonal terms do play an important role.

      Is there anything I could do to overcome this issue in Workbench? 

      Thanks in advance!




    • peteroznewman

      I had some advice on a related topic in this discussion.

      If you share some more details about your model, you might get some suggestions specific to your model.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee







      By geometry condenstaion I assume here you mean about creating super elements via condensed parts.

      If that is the case then

      Use bushing type of joint (formulation: MPC and 6×6 matrix - needs radians as units) and that goes well with condensed parts (at least it runs with no errors)


      All the best







    • Clarkt

      Thank you for your answers guys. To give you some further insight on the application, it's about a shaft and housing system and the matrix represents the bearing stiffness. Indeed, I am trying to derive a superelement using modal reduction.  So if I understand properly I should create a dummy line element that I will convert into MATRIX27. Then I should define bonded contacts between the line element's vertices and the shaft and bearing faces. Are there any recommendations regarding the bonded contact formulation? Should I go for MPC? If yes, with what constraint type?

      • Erik Kostson
        Ansys Employee


        Thiink best to skip Matrix27 – take that back as it is tricky to use.

        See below what I suggest:


        In workbench mech., create a bushing type of joint between parts (formulation: MPC – and 6×6 matrix in worksheet – needs radians as units to see 6×6) and that goes well with condensed parts (at least it runs with no errors) – I have tried it in 2024 R2 and worked


        All the best



    • Clarkt

      Dear Erik,

      Just tried exactly what you said but (surprisingly) it didn't work. Here's the message I got:

      This Condensed Part is invalid due to MPC formulation Bushing joint(s) completely contained inside the condensed part.

      Maybe it's because the joint is completely within the assembly that I am trying to reduce.

      What could go wrong with the matrix element?

      • Erik Kostson
        Ansys Employee



        Tried it between two parts and it worked fine.

        Can you show a bit how you use the bushing between parts.

        All the best


    • Clarkt

      Here's what I've done so far. :




    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee



      Can not do like that.

      So create 4 different/separate condensed parts and not only one with all 4 bodies in it as that does not work.

      All the best



    • Clarkt

      Hi Erik,

      Thanks for your answer once again. Do you think that creating 4 matrices separately and then combining them (properly of course) into one would be equivalent to extracting the matrix from the complete assembly?

      Also, if I still need to go for the full assembly, the MATRIX27 method is the only way to go right?

    • Alfred Stanton

      In your Workbench model, identify or create the two remote points where the connection is to be modeled.

      Use the MATRIX27 element in ANSYS Mechanical APDL, which supports a full 6x6 stiffness matrix (diagonal and off-diagonal terms).

      You can refer to this link: rider 3d

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