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Generating mesh in PyAnsys

    • a5833959
      Hi all,
      I am trying to learn PyAnsys, and implement a rectangle geometry with length and width. The geometry is working fine and I am not sure about how to mesh my geometry. Below is the code that I currently tried:
      And this is the error message that it gives me: `No areas were meshed by the AMESH operation`

      Thank you in advance for any help!

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee

      you need to define an element say for structural analysis (ET command see):
      go through the above examples (there are many more there to look at : https://mapdldocs.pyansys.com/), but before that
      you really need - mapdl knowledge and good understanding - so 1st/first before using pymapdl learn mapdl.

      Finally when you write pyMAPDL script, first write in MAPDL, make sure it runs as intended, and then it is an easy matter of just converting the MAPDL command to pyMAPDL.

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