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General connection between main flow path and circumeferential groove in CFX

    • zahlenritter

      Dear community,

      I am trying to simulate an axial compressor with a circumferential groove, but the interface 
      between main flow path and groove is not working as expected and just generates a solid wall there.

      To simulate the influence of circumferential grooves I am given a mesh of an axial compressor.
      In a CAD-Software I construct my groove, which I importat and mesh in ICEM. Finally I load the 
      mesh as a .cfx5-file into my case. I create a domain interface between compressor shroud and the groove
      side, pointing towards the shroud. For non-overlapping part at the compressor I apply a no slip wall as a a nonoverlap


      During postprocessing I noticed that the interface between both meshes is treated as a wall and not an interface with momentum exchange.
      I suspect that small geometric differences which are not visible, cause the meshes to not exactly match in the radial direction. As a result
      the no slip conditions is applied at the whole shroud.

      But how do I fix this problem?

      Best regards




    • CFD_Friend
      Ansys Employee


      The reason is that the distance between the interface faces is above the tolerance level. You have to keep both of them very close to achieve a proper connection. Otherwise, it creates a non-overlap condition. Try to make this as close as possible to avoid such problems.

      You can check whether the interfaces are in non-overlap condition or not, using contours in CFD-Post. Select the shroud boundary, and create a contour using the variable "Nonoverlap Fraction"

      If the boundaries overlap, that section will be colored blue (value =  0), if there is no overlap, then that region will be colored red (value =1)

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