General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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FSI Problem

    • akm019

      when i doing system coupling then i got this error, please tell me why this type of error are comes?? in this simulation 1st cfx operation use as a steady state and this steady state simulation result use as a result of a transient simulation reference data for transient simulation. please provide wright path and help me to figure out the error. 



    • Dennis Chen

      The actual error messages are inside the system coupling analysis system.   the workbench error probably just indicated the job failed.

      Inside system coupling, you should be able to find out if the error happened on the mechanical side or fluent side.   

      These 2-way FSI problems are a huge pain, you definitely want to make sure your model on mechanical and fluent side both solve properly on their own before doing FSI.    

    • akm019

      yes, dont figure out the actual problem . but i also simulate both mechanical side and fluent side both are done with convergence


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