General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

    • mmh.rakin

      Hi, I am simulating an abitary facture to a fillet. yeild stress 650MPa, UTS 900 MPa. K1c for my material is approx 60 MPa.m^0.5 thickness of the fillet including wall is 20mm. I have tried arbitary sucface upto 19 mm deep and got maximum 40 MPa.m^0.5 of K1. 
      * can any one explain this is not reaching over 60? 
      * is there any things specific need to add into material properties for facture analysis?
      * need to find largest tolerable crack size for brittle failure. How Can I do That?

      Many thanks in advance.

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      In the help manual we have an example to see how to set this type of analysis up:


      If you can not open the link then search in the help manual for:

      Chapter 16: Evaluation of Mixed-Mode Stress Intensity Factors and T-stress for 3-D Surface Flaws

      All the best



    • mmh.rakin

      In my model half of the yield stress causing pressure is not showing any significant k1 result even the crack surface almost intersect the solid. but if the internal pressure is increased to 90% of the yield stress causing pressure then it show good result with thw increment of the  crack surface size. why is that?

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