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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Forte Sector Mesh

    • Usman

      Dear team,

      I hope this message finds you well. I created a 1/7 diesel engine sector mesh on Spaceclaim and imported it to the FORTE. However, while running simulations, it goves following error:

      Can anyone please let me know how can I figure it out? 

    • Ren
      Ansys Employee

      Most likely the error has been caused by the incorrect setting of the periodicity boundary. Forte has specific requirements for the orientation of the geometry. Please refer to the user guide for details:

      3.4.4. Periodicity Boundary


    • Usman

      Thank you so much for the reply. I just read the following details:

      However, I did not understand point 1. I have in mind that the piston will be at TDC when it is created in Solidworks or SpaceClaim. Like in the following figure, it is at TDC. 

      Could you please let me know what does point 1 mean?

    • Ren
      Ansys Employee

      Are you using the Automatic Mesh Generation (AMG)? If yes, you are referring to the wrong part of the manual. Please read the information further down the page.

      Also, the "symmetry" boundary cannot be used for a 1/7th sector. You need to use the periodic boundary. The "symmetry" boundary is for 180-degree sector as described at the bottom of the page.


    • Usman

      Hi, No, I am not using AMG. I created model on Solidworks.


    • Usman


      I have followed the instructions. However, the error is still there. Can you please guide me how to figure out this?

    • Ren
      Ansys Employee

      What kind of file (geometry, mesh) did you import into Forte (the option you selected in the first dialog box that opened after you clicked on the Import Geometry tool icon)? The screenshot suggests that a surface mesh has been imported and AMG is used although no mesh controls have been defined in the "Mesh Controls" node. For AMG, you need to define some appropriate mesh refinement controls. And do not use "symmetry" for this small sector geometry. Please refer to the "Ansys Forte Best Practices" help pages for guidance.


    • Usman




      Thank you for the reply.

      I did not use AMG here. I posted new threads. Could you please have a look into them. This geometry was created on Solidwork and was imported into spaceclaim. I did all the name selection there and exported as .tgf file which was then imported to the Forte. I solved this issue. However, while running simulations, it ecounters another kind of error. I uploaded two questions today. One is related to this and another is related to AMG. 

      Also, I did not understand when you say symmetry. I did not see any option of selecting it. Could you please let me know how can I check if software is considering it a symmetry and how can we reslove it?


    • Ren
      Ansys Employee

      If you imported a .tgf file, then you must be using AMG.

    • Usman

      When I use AMG, simulations gives error in the start. Also, when I import geometry from Solidworks to Spaceclaim, and do name selection there and then I export it as a .tgf file which then import to FORTE, it gives error at the time of fuel injection. I uploaded a two questions on it in a separate post. Could you please check out those questions for me? Your suggestions will be highly appreciated. Many thanks!

    • Usman

      Dear Team,

      I hope you are fine. I am still facing issues with the geometry created on AMG. Any geometry created on AMG is not working in the Forte. Please see the following figures. Also, could you please let me know if there is any tutorial on doing sector mesh simulations in Ansys fluent? Many thanks!

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