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Fluent VAWT Unusual Simulation Error

    • l.hutcheson1

      I’m trying to simulate a hybrid Darrieus VAWT and I’m coming across a unusual issue:

      It seems that the edge of the rotor area is being defined as the inlet instead of the inlet itself (Image 1), despite the simulation being set up identically to another working simulation with slightly different dimensions. My suspicion is that this stems from the creation of new contact regions under boundary conditions which are present in this model (Image 2), but not the other working model. These also appear under “Mesh Interfaces” leading me to believe this is what is stopping the mesh from sliding. In the working model, it is only “blades” and the lines which make up the wall region each being named “wall XX” (Image 3) that are under the Wall heading here, otherwise all setup parameters are the same between models.


      The issue also seems entirely related to the angular rotation of the rotor, since varying the inlet velocity has no effect on the simulation. I've tried to create the entire system again, but it leads to the same result. the simulation is in 2D and large structure support is enabled. 


      Thanks for your help.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      The surface (interface) pair between the two zones needs setting up. It looks like you currently have a pair of walls. 

      • l.hutcheson1

        Any idea on how I should set this up? 

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Yes, have a look at the interface functions in Fluent's User Guide. They're covered in Boundary Conditions. 

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