

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Fluent Symmetry problem

    • mcampbell

      I am having issues with fluent Symmetry.  I have a symmetry done I meshing. When I load Fluenti it ignores the symmetry region and it join it to a wall boundary.  Can anyone help me?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Did you set any named selections? That looks to have set a different wall zone for some surfaces, but it's not clear how Meshing has done that. 

    • mcampbell

      Yes, I used name selections.  But I gave up with the symmetry and went ahed with the full simulation. I and checked a bunch of things and I could not make Fluent undestand to symmetry region. I know it can work, as I was able to us symmetry in the same project, but I changed some geometery an I could not make it work. I even redid the named selections multipe times.  

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