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Fluent profile reading name issue 2022R1

    • soloviev


      We have previously used profiles to load data into boundaries in Fluent 2020 and previous. Now that we have switched to 2022R1 the profiles are now having name issues. When reading profiles the name goes to '----' (preview not available) for all profiles I load, and therefore the old one is overwritten by any new ones that are read. I checked the 2022 user guide to check if formatting has changed and it hasn't according to the guide the format should be as follows for .csv profiles:





      insert data here....

      This is the same format we used previously but now when it is loaded the issue above happens.



    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Please can you post some screen shots?
    • soloviev
      Hi Rob Here shows the profile once it is read.. showng the profile name as '-----'.

      This is a screenshot from the profile format:

      Thanks Alex
    • DrAmine
      Ansys Employee
      I cannot reproduce the issue with the name in 22R1.
      I copied the example from the documentation and put it in a file. Can you try that?
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      The example is comma delimited, https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/Secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v221/en/flu_ug/flu_ug_sec_bcprof_format.html can you check you've not conflated two profile syntax styles? I assume you've not pushed the text straight to Linux without doing "dos2unix" on the Linux side?
    • soloviev
      Thank you Rob and DrAmine. I found that when you specified comma delimited that there were extra commas when the profile was loaded in a text editor as compared to excel, which didn't show these extra commas. When they were removed the name was read in correctly.

      Thanks Alex
    • Rob
      Forum Moderator
      Microsoft 1, User 0. :) Thanks for letting us know.
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