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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Fluent freezing on launch

    • Marc Garcia

      Hi, I'm trying to do CFD for a FSAE wing but I can't get Fluent to launch properly. Since I'm new to ansys software I am following a tutorial (https://innovationspace.ansys.com/courses/courses/aerodynamics-of-an-fsae-car-2/lessons/geometry-preparation-using-ansys-discovery-lesson-1/).

      When I do the last step of the 3rd video of lesson 1 to export the model to fluent I click "watertight geometry workflow" as the video says and Fluent is launched, it freezes for one or two minutes and then a lot of errors pop up.

      Does anyone know how can I fix this issue?

      Fluent screenshot and console close up pictures:


    • NickFL

      To me it looks like there is a problem with Fluent. Here is the steps I would take to diagnose the problem.

      1. Open Fluent solver directly from the start menu or the command window. If there are errors here, then likely an installation issue. Deinstall Fluent and reinstall with all antivirus/firewalls off.
      2. Open Fluent again, this time try using opening the meshing part (from the splash screen). If this doesn't work and above does then we have an interesting problem.
      3. If you have Fluent meshing open, change the workflow type to the Watertight (pull-down menu on the left panel). Navigate to the saved geometry you have previously created and see if it can import it. 

      If all of those work without errors, then there is problem in passing the geometry from Discovery into Fluent. 

    • Nilay Pedram
      Forum Moderator

      Could you please try opening the saved geometry file into a seperate session of Fluent meshing watertight geometry workflow?

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