

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Fluent fail to open

    • alessiosperoni

      Hi I'm using ansys student version 2023, after the geometry and mesh steps, in workbench, I've a problem with the setup step due an error in opening Fluent.The error says "Fluent application failed to validate the connection".

      Trying to fix I've remove and download again all the Ansys pack and it works for a while but then it appened again.

      Launching Fluent without workbench works all the time, I read the precedent topic about that and I understand the problem is related to some files in C:\Windows\system32 but in my pc I don't have the files mentioned in the topic.

      Solver processes number is 4 cause I've 4 processors and GPGPU number is 0 cause is a student version so that's not the problem.

      What can I do to fix the error? thank you

    • Nikhil N
      Ansys Employee


      Can you try reducing the number of processes? 

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