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Fluent DNB simulation

    • Kinjal

      I am carrying out flow boiling simulation in fluent to predict DNB. I am starting with heat flux of 0.5Mw/m^2 and increasing it step by step and monitoring temoerature. When the chf is reached wall temperature will increase suddenly and the solution will diverge. At first when I was usimg sauter mean I was able to get the diversgence but at that time it was giving wrong results for WHFP i.e. my evaporative heat flux was going above total heat flux which is not possible. Then I kept the boilig dia. default for the secondary phase and WHFP gave the correct results but now I am not able to predict DNB. What can be the issue?

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Lots of things. An overuse of TLAs may play a part, but I'd start by looking at the mesh and other solver settings. 

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