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flow over a vertical wire mesh screen

    • ARF.Z13


      I want to simulate the flow film thickness over a vertical wire mesh screen. I used the VOF method and defined a stationary fluid domain, with the screen mesh wall having a translational velocity in the y-direction. Unfortunately, I cannot capture the fluid behavior between the holes.

      I believe the problem might stem from the moving wall condition. In ANSYS Fluent, wall motion relative to the adjacent cell zone that is normal to the wall cannot be properly captured.

      I am unsure how to resolve this issue to make the simulation more realistic, specifically to see the flow stick between the openings due to capillary forces and surface tension.

      I tried using a motion frame by creating two fluid domain zones (an outer stationary zone and an inner moving zone enclosing the screen), but the problem persists. I am unsure if the dynamic mesh approach would work here.

      Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      I can't see the domain size, but what do you see if you add an isosurface to show the water free surface and/or phase up the "holes" ? 

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