

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Floating Point Exception- Multiphase Flow – Fluent

    • rhys.reynolds


      I am currently trying to use Fluent to make a Numerical Wave Tank. I am using Vof method, and open channel waves. I am trying to create a 2D tank. An error is occurring before any iterations of the simulation even complete. - 'Error and Node 0, Floating Point Exception', 

      I have tried the normal steps like ensuring mesh sqewness is below 0.95 and orthoganol quality above 0.1. I have tried reducing the time step, dosent seem to work. I am pretty confident that by boundary conditions are correct, but I am still not sure how to solve the error. I have played around with different model as well ant it dosent seem to help.

      If someone could help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated.

    • SRP
      Ansys Employee

      Check the VOF model settings to ensure they are correctly configured. Please check the VOF model is correctly selected (e.g., Geo-Reconstruct or Compressive).The interface capturing scheme is correctly chosen (e.g., HRIC or Geo-Reconstruct).

      • rhys.reynolds

        I am unsure as to the specicifc VOF settings you have suggested to look at, these are the multiphase settings i have chosen.

    • SRP
      Ansys Employee

      Go to Solution - Methods - Spatial discretization

      • rhys.reynolds

        Unfortunately I have tried to run the simulation with all four schemes and two different VOF models, and I am still recieving the same error.

      • rhys.reynolds

        If there is anything else i could do to fix this error, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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