December 16, 2024 at 8:49 pmjonathan.atkinsonSubscriberGood Afternoon,ÂI am a Post Doc at the University of Toronto in the Department of ECE in the Amr Helmy group. We have a department Ansys account. I am looking to adapt a flexible material plugin for Two Photon Absorption (TPA) based on C++ that was originally developed by the following source "Integrated Nanoplasmonic Waveguides and Devices for All-Optical Nanocircuitry" as recommended on a previous Ansys Forum post. There are 3 files in the appendix of the thesis and I have attached them all. I understand I need a .dll file in the material plugin folder for this to work in Lumerical. However none of the 3 files seems to generate a .dll file or us a main{} function in the code which is required in C++. Is there a "make" file that I need to do this to generate the .dll file? I am a little confused as to how this work. Any help would be greatly appreciated. ÂÂBest Regards,ÂJon AtkinsonÂSi_TPA.cpp:Â#include "SiTPA.h"#include/*!\class NSiTPAPluginFor studying TPA and free carrier effects in Si in the telecom wavelengthsaround 1.55um.Based on the FDTD formulism for TPA and free carrier effects from [1].Does not take into account linear absorption and dispersive refractiveindex (assumes you use Si as the base material in Lumerical), and does notcurrently have Kerr or Raman effects (since theseoccur on a different scale than TPA and free carrier effects). All units arestandard SI.[1] N. Suzuki, "FD-TD Analysis of Two-Photon Absorption and FreeCarrier Absorption in Si High-Index-Contrast Waveguides," Journal of LightwaveTechnology 25, 2495 (2007).*/const double SiTPAPlugin::hbar = 1.05457148e-34; // [J/s]const double SiTPAPlugin::exp = 0.8; //constantconst double SiTPAPlugin::eps0 = 8.854187817e-12; //vacuum permitivity [F/m]const double SiTPAPlugin::c = 2.99792458e8; //speed of light [m/s]const double SiTPAPlugin::tau = 1e-12; //free carrier recombination time inoxygen doped silicon[s]const double SiTPAPlugin::n0 = 3.48; //refractive index of Si at 1.55umconst double SiTPAPlugin::betaTPA = 0.9e-11; // [m/W]const double SiTPAPlugin::pi = 3.1415926535897931;const double SiTPAPlugin::Nfi = 1.01e16; //[m^-3] intrinsic free carrier densityof Siconst char* SiTPAPlugin::names[4] = {"Peak Intensity of Input Pulse [W/m^2]","Center Wavelength of Input Pulse [m]","Initial Free Carrier Concentration [m^- 3]", 0};void SiTPAPlugin::initialize(const double** parameters, double dt){d_t=dt;  for(int i=0; i<3; i++){Ip[i] = double(parameters[0][i]);lambda0[i] = float(parameters[1][i]);N_initial[i] = double(parameters[2][i]);lambda_n[i]=lambda0[i]/1.55e-6;}}float SiTPAPlugin::calculate(int i, float U, float V, float Et, float* storage){double Nf = storage[0];double n_plasma_n = storage[1];double Vn = storage[2];double Un = storage[3];double En = double(Et);double E = double(Et);float firstUpdateDone = storage[4];Ân=1.;ÂNf = (2.*tau- d_t)/(2.*tau+d_t)*Nf+tau*d_t/(2.*tau+d_t)*lambda0[i]/2./pi/c/hbar*betaTPA*Ip[i]*Ip[i]*abs(En*En*En*En); //free carrier concentrationif (firstUpdateDone == 0.) //initial free carrier concentrationNf = N_initial[i];if (Nffor siliconNf=Nfi;ÂfirstUpdateDone = 1.;n_plasma=-8.8e-28*Nf-8.5e- 24*(pow(Nf,exp))*lambda_n[i]*lambda_n[i]; //change in refractive index due toplasma dispersionÂ//loop for iterating E field and effect of chi_TPA and chi_FCA. 6iterations was determiend to be sufficient for convergencewhile (n<6){g1=2*n0*n_plasma+c*n0*(1.45e- 21*lambda_n[i]*lambda_n[i]*Nf)*d_t/2+c*c*eps0*n0*n0*betaTPA*d_t*(E*E+En*En)*Ip[i]/8;g2=2*n0*n_plasma_n-c*n0*(1.45e- 21*lambda_n[i]*lambda_n[i]*Nf)*d_t/2- c*c*eps0*n0*n0*betaTPA*d_t*(E*E+En*En)*Ip[i]/8;E=1/(g1+U)*(g2*En+(V-Vn)+Un*En);n=n+1;}Â//update storagestorage[0] = Nf;storage[1] = n_plasma;storage[2] = V;storage[3] = U;storage[4] = float(firstUpdateDone);   return E;}float SiTPAPlugin::calculateEx( float U, float V, float Ex, float* storage ){return calculate(0, U, V, Ex, storage);}float SiTPAPlugin::calculateEy( float U, float V, float Ey, float* storage ){return calculate(1, U, V, Ey, storage);}float SiTPAPlugin::calculateEz( float U, float V, float Ez, float* storage ){return calculate(2, U, V, Ez, storage);}MATERIAL_PLUGIN(SiTPAPlugin);ÂSi_TPA.h:Â#ifndef _SITPA_H#define _SITPA_HÂ#include "imaterialplugin.h"Âclass SiTPAPlugin : public IMaterialPlugin{public:SiTPAPlugin(){};virtual ~SiTPAPlugin(){};Âconst char* name() const {return "SiTPA";};const char* uniqueId() const {return "{CFE9991C-6837-46a2-BBB4- E9EABD833DFC}";};const char** parameterNames() const {return names;};float calculateEx( float U, float V, float Ex, float* storage);float calculateEy( float U, float V, float Ey, float* storage);float calculateEz( float U, float V, float Ez, float* storage);void initialize(const double** parameters, double dt);void initializeStorageEx(float* storage){};void initializeStorageEy(float* storage){};void initializeStorageEz(float* storage){};size_t storageSizeE() const {return 5;}; //# of additional storage fieldsÂprivate:float calculate(int axis, float U, float V, float E, float* storage);void initializeStorageE(int axis, float* storage);Âstatic const double hbar;static const double eps0;static const double tau;static const double betaTPA;static const double n0;static const double exp;static const double c;static const double pi;static const double Nfi;Âdouble Ip[3];double N_initial[3];double lambda0[3];double Nf[3];double g1;double g2;double n_plasma;double n_plasma_n;double d_t;float n;float lambda_n[3];Âstatic const char* names[4];};Â#endifÂimmaterialplugin:Â#ifndef _IMATERIALPLUGIN_H#define _IMATERIALPLUGIN_HÂ#includeÂ/*!\brief The interface class definition for a material plugin for FDTD SolutionsÂThis pure abstract class defines the methods that must be implemented to createa plugin material in FDTD Solutions. A class that inherits from this interface classand implements all the methods can be compiled into a dynamic library that canbe loaded into FDTD Solutions to define new materials.*/Âclass IMaterialPlugin{public:virtual ~IMaterialPlugin(){};virtual const char* name() const = 0;virtual const char* uniqueId() const = 0;virtual const char** parameterNames() const = 0;virtual float calculateEx( float U, float V, float Ex, float* storage) = 0;virtual float calculateEy( float U, float V, float Ey, float* storage) = 0;virtual float calculateEz( float U, float V, float Ez, float* storage) = 0;virtual void initialize(const double** parameters, double dt) = 0;virtual void initializeStorageEx(float* storage) = 0;virtual void initializeStorageEy(float* storage) = 0;virtual void initializeStorageEz(float* storage) = 0;virtual size_t storageSizeE() const = 0;};Â/*!\brief The interface class for a magnetic material pluginThis extends the material plugin defined above with a few more methods thatneed to bedefined for a magnetic material*/class IMagneticMaterialPlugin : public IMaterialPlugin{public:virtual float calculateHx( float U, float V, float Ex, float* storage) = 0;virtual float calculateHy( float U, float V, float Ey, float* storage) = 0;virtual float calculateHz( float U, float V, float Ez, float* storage) = 0;virtual void initializeStorageHx(float* storage) = 0;virtual void initializeStorageHy(float* storage) = 0;virtual void initializeStorageHz(float* storage) = 0;virtual size_t storageSizeH() const = 0;};Â/*!\brief The interface for a factory class that creates and destroys material plugins*/class IMaterialPluginFactory{public:virtual IMaterialPlugin* createInstance()=0;virtual void destroyInstance(IMaterialPlugin* i)=0;virtual IMagneticMaterialPlugin* toMagneticMaterialPlugin(IMaterialPlugin*p)=0;};Â/*!\brief A templated implementation of the IMaterialPluginFactory classÂPlugin authors do not need to write a factory class, they can just use this class.It is writtenas a template so that it can be compiled into the plugin easily. This is done inthe plugin codeusign the MATERIAL_PLUGIN(T) macro.*/templateclass MaterialPluginFactory : public IMaterialPluginFactory{IMaterialPlugin* createInstance(){return new T();}void destroyInstance(IMaterialPlugin* i){delete i;}IMagneticMaterialPlugin* toMagneticMaterialPlugin(IMaterialPlugin*p){return dynamic_cast
(p);} };Â#ifdef WIN32#define DLLEXPORT __declspec(dllexport)#else#define DLLEXPORT#endifÂ//A macro to add the factory function to the plugin, instantiating theMaterialPluginFactory in the process//All plugins should include this macro once in a source file. The argument T isthe name of the user's plugin class#define MATERIAL_PLUGIN(T) \Â Â extern "C" DLLEXPORT IMaterialPluginFactory* createFactoryV1(){ returnnew MaterialPluginFactory();} \ Â Â extern "C" DLLEXPORT void destroyFactoryV1(IMaterialPluginFactory* f){delete f;}Â#endifÂDecember 18, 2024 at 3:31 amKyleAnsys EmployeeHello, you can see a demo of compiling material models in the videos on this page: Material Plugins: A Practical Implementation Demo
I would recommend trying with one of the models provided on this page before trying with a custom model: Advanced and custom optical material models in FDTD and MODE – Ansys OpticsIt might work with a newer version of Visual Studio, but it is best to use Visual Studio 2013.
December 21, 2024 at 8:48 pmabubakarumar1097SubscriberÂIt sounds like you're on the right track, but it seems the code provided might be incomplete for direct compilation into a .dll file. To create the .dll, you'll likely need to write a main function and set up a makefile or project in Visual Studio that properly compiles the C++ code into the required .dll. If the source files don't include this, you may need to adapt the code to fit into a C++ DLL project structure. Let me know if you'd like help with that!
January 8, 2025 at 7:35 pmjonathan.atkinsonSubscriberThank you everyone.
Kyle it seems that I can not download Visual Studios 2013 and unfortunately have to use 2022. When I build the solution after making a .dll project, it seems the immaterialplugin.h file seems to be the main problem. I keep getting an unexpected end of file error. Do you guys have a version that works with newer versions of Visual Studios? Â
January 15, 2025 at 8:39 pmjonathan.atkinsonSubscriberI am still at a loss with this issue. I am not able to find Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 anywhere. I was able to compile the fourelectrontwolevel example and get a .dll file. However, it does not appear in the material explorer when you put it in the correct folder. I read on another Ansys thread that this is because of the version of the Visual Studios used? Is there any known way around this issue yet? Or perhaps I can be directed to get Visual Studios 2013? My files are correct, it just seems the version is now the problem
January 17, 2025 at 3:30 amKyleAnsys EmployeeIf you can't get access to VS 2013, try changing the default preprocessor definitions to those in VS 2013:
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