May 15, 2024 at 5:14 am
SubscriberI am trying to run FSI simulation in HPC cluster but I am facing the following errors.
The system coupling lof file has following:
Awaiting connections from coupling participants...
Elapsed time: 5 min. Still awaiting connection from: MAPDL-2. If you feel the participant(s) should already have connected, check participant logs and/or abort the run.
Elapsed time: 10 min. Still awaiting connection from: MAPDL-2. If you feel the participant(s) should already have connected, check participant logs and/or abort the run.Â
The fluent .trn file has following:
Auto-Transcript Start Time: 08:49:58, 15 May 2024ÂCurrent Directory: "/lfs/usrhome/phd/me20d013/Swapnil/FSI_pulsatile/Fluid_run"application-specific initialization failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:  /home2/polyflowbuilds/buildagents/milpolybld01/work/1210bc2a0080eb69/Tcl-tk/8_5_11/linx64/Release/tcltk/lib/tcl8.5 /usr/lib/tcl8.5 /lib/tcl8.5 /usr/library /library /tcl8.5.11/library /tcl8.5.11/libraryÂÂÂThis probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.Â/lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/fluent/fluent23.2.0/bin/fluent -r23.2.0 3ddp -pshmem -host -t1 -mpi=intel -path/lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/fluent -ssh -cx cn008.ib0.cm.aqua.iitm.ac.in:36013:33915application-specific initialization failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:  /home2/polyflowbuilds/buildagents/milpolybld01/work/1210bc2a0080eb69/Tcl-tk/8_5_11/linx64/Release/tcltk/lib/tcl8.5 /usr/lib/tcl8.5 /lib/tcl8.5 /usr/library /library /tcl8.5.11/library /tcl8.5.11/libraryÂÂÂThis probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.ÂStarting /lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/fluent/fluent23.2.0/lnamd64/3ddp_host/fluent.23.2.0 host -cx cn008.ib0.cm.aqua.iitm.ac.in:36013:33915 "(list (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/function) "fluent 3ddp -flux -node -r23.2.0 -t1 -pshmem -mpi=intel -ssh") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/rhost) "") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/ruser) "") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/nprocs_string) "1") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/auto-spawn?) #t) (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/trace-level) 0) (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/remote-shell) 1) (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/path) "/lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/fluent") (rpsetvar (QUOTE parallel/hostsfile) "") (rpsetvar (QUOTE gpuapp/devices) ""))"application-specific initialization failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:  /home2/polyflowbuilds/buildagents/milpolybld01/work/1210bc2a0080eb69/Tcl-tk/8_5_11/linx64/Release/tcltk/lib/tcl8.5 /usr/lib/tcl8.5 /lib/tcl8.5 /usr/library /library /tcl8.5.11/library /tcl8.5.11/libraryÂÂÂThis probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.       Welcome to ANSYS Fluent 2023 R2       Copyright 1987-2023 ANSYS, Inc. All Rights Reserved.       Unauthorized use, distribution or duplication is prohibited.       This product is subject to U.S. laws governing export and re-export.       For full Legal Notice, see documentation.ÂBuild Time: May 29 2023 07:35:15 EDT Build Id: 10212 ÂÂConnected License Server List: 1055@cclicserver.iitm.ac.inÂ*********************************************Info: Your license enables 4-way parallel execution.For faster simulations, please start the application with the appropriate parallel options.*********************************************   --------------------------------------------------------------   This is an academic version of ANSYS FLUENT. Usage of this product   license is limited to the terms and conditions specified in your ANSYS   license form, additional terms section.   --------------------------------------------------------------Host spawning Node 0 on machine "cn008" (unix).application-specific initialization failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:  /home2/polyflowbuilds/buildagents/milpolybld01/work/1210bc2a0080eb69/Tcl-tk/8_5_11/linx64/Release/tcltk/lib/tcl8.5 /usr/lib/tcl8.5 /lib/tcl8.5 /usr/library /library /tcl8.5.11/library /tcl8.5.11/libraryÂÂÂThis probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.Â/lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/fluent/fluent23.2.0/bin/fluent -r23.2.0 3ddp -flux -node -t1 -pshmem -mpi=intel -ssh -mport initialization failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:  /home2/polyflowbuilds/buildagents/milpolybld01/work/1210bc2a0080eb69/Tcl-tk/8_5_11/linx64/Release/tcltk/lib/tcl8.5 /usr/lib/tcl8.5 /lib/tcl8.5 /usr/library /library /tcl8.5.11/library /tcl8.5.11/libraryÂÂÂThis probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.Âapplication-specific initialization failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:  /home2/polyflowbuilds/buildagents/milpolybld01/work/1210bc2a0080eb69/Tcl-tk/8_5_11/linx64/Release/tcltk/lib/tcl8.5 /usr/lib/tcl8.5 /lib/tcl8.5 /usr/library /library /tcl8.5.11/library /tcl8.5.11/libraryÂÂÂThis probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.Âapplication-specific initialization failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:  /home2/polyflowbuilds/buildagents/milpolybld01/work/1210bc2a0080eb69/Tcl-tk/8_5_11/linx64/Release/tcltk/lib/tcl8.5 /usr/lib/tcl8.5 /lib/tcl8.5 /usr/library /library /tcl8.5.11/library /tcl8.5.11/libraryÂÂÂThis probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.ÂStarting /lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/fluent/fluent23.2.0/multiport/mpi/lnamd64/intel2021/bin/mpirun --rsh=ssh -f /tmp/fluent-appfile.me20d013.1056 -genv FI_PROVIDER tcp -genv FLUENT_ARCH lnamd64 -genv I_MPI_DEBUG 0 -genv I_MPI_ADJUST_GATHERV 3 -genv I_MPI_ADJUST_ALLREDUCE 2 -genv I_MPI_PLATFORM auto -genv PYTHONHOME /lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/fluent/fluent23.2.0/../../commonfiles/CPython/3_10/linx64/Release/python -genv FLUENT_PROD_DIR /lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/fluent/fluent23.2.0 -genv FLUENT_AFFINITY 0 -genv I_MPI_PIN enable -genv KMP_AFFINITY disabled -n 1 /lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/fluent/fluent23.2.0/lnamd64/3ddp_node/fluent_mpi.23.2.0 node -mpiw intel -pic shmem -mportÂ-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ID  Hostname Core O.S.   PID  Vendor          Â-------------------------------------------------------------------------------n0  cn008   1/40 Linux-64 1117 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248Âhost cn008      Linux-64 788  Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6248ÂÂMPI Option Selected: intel-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ÂCleanup script file is /lfs/usrhome/phd/me20d013/Swapnil/FSI_pulsatile/Fluid_run/cleanup-fluent-cn008-788.sh +------------------------------------------------------------------+ |          ANSYS Product Improvement           | |                                 | |  ANSYS Product Improvement Program helps improve ANSYS     | |  products. Participating in this program is like filling out a | |  survey. Without interrupting your work, the software reports  | |  anonymous usage information such as errors, machine and    | |  solver statistics, features used, etc. to ANSYS. We never   | |  use the data to identify or contact you.            | |  The data does NOT contain:                   | |  - Any personally identifiable information including names,   | |   IP addresses, file names, part names, etc.          | |  - Any information about your geometry or design specific    | |   inputs.                           | |  You can stop participation at any time. To change your     | |  selection go to Help >> ANSYS Product Improvement Program   | |  in the GUI.                          | |  For more information about the ANSYS Privacy Policy, please  | |  check: http://www.ansys.com/privacy              | |                                 | +------------------------------------------------------------------+whereas mechanical.stdout file has following:
application-specific initialization failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:ÂÂ Â /home2/polyflowbuilds/buildagents/milpolybld01/work/1210bc2a0080eb69/Tcl-tk/8_5_11/linx64/Release/tcltk/lib/tcl8.5 /usr/lib/tcl8.5 /lib/tcl8.5 /usr/library /library /tcl8.5.11/library /tcl8.5.11/libraryÂÂÂThis probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.Âapplication-specific initialization failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:ÂÂ Â /lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/commonfiles/Tcl/lib/tcl8.4 /lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/commonfiles/Tcl/lib/tcl8.5 /home2/polyflowbuilds/buildagents/milpolybld01/work/1210bc2a0080eb69/Tcl-tk/8_5_11/linx64/Release/tcltk/lib/tcl8.5 /usr/lib/tcl8.5 /lib/tcl8.5 /usr/library /library /tcl8.5.11/library /tcl8.5.11/libraryÂ/lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/commonfiles/Tcl/lib/tcl8.4/init.tcl: version conflict for package "Tcl": have 8.5.11, need exactly 8.4version conflict for package "Tcl": have 8.5.11, need exactly 8.4Â Â while executing"package require -exact Tcl 8.4"Â Â (file "/lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/commonfiles/Tcl/lib/tcl8.4/init.tcl" line 19)Â Â invoked from within"source /lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/commonfiles/Tcl/lib/tcl8.4/init.tcl"Â Â ("uplevel" body line 1)Â Â invoked from within"uplevel #0 [list source $tclfile]"ÂÂThis probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.Âapplication-specific initialization failed: Can't find a usable init.tcl in the following directories:ÂÂ Â /lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/commonfiles/Tcl/lib/tcl8.4 /lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/commonfiles/Tcl/lib/tcl8.5 /home2/polyflowbuilds/buildagents/milpolybld01/work/1210bc2a0080eb69/Tcl-tk/8_5_11/linx64/Release/tcltk/lib/tcl8.5 /usr/lib/tcl8.5 /lib/tcl8.5 /usr/library /library /tcl8.5.11/library /tcl8.5.11/libraryÂ/lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/commonfiles/Tcl/lib/tcl8.4/init.tcl: version conflict for package "Tcl": have 8.5.11, need exactly 8.4version conflict for package "Tcl": have 8.5.11, need exactly 8.4Â Â while executing"package require -exact Tcl 8.4"Â Â (file "/lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/commonfiles/Tcl/lib/tcl8.4/init.tcl" line 19)Â Â invoked from within"source /lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/commonfiles/Tcl/lib/tcl8.4/init.tcl"Â Â ("uplevel" body line 1)Â Â invoked from within"uplevel #0 [list source $tclfile]"ÂÂThis probably means that Tcl wasn't installed properly.Â/lfs/sware/ansys2023r2/ansys_inc/v232/ansys/bin/linx64/ansys.e: error while loading shared libraries: libGLU.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directoryÂ
How to resolve this issue?
May 22, 2024 at 2:26 pm
Ansys EmployeeHello
- please check all prerequisites (required libraries) are installer per https://ansyshelp.ansys.com/account/secured?returnurl=/Views/Secured/corp/v232/en/installation/unix_platform_libraries.html
- please check if there is a firewall running on the nodes which might be keeping the 2 processes from communicating
- please also see the environment variable references in these two threads to overcome issue with systen coupling
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- The topic ‘Facing issue to run FSI simulation in HPC’ is closed to new replies.
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