July 15, 2024 at 6:58 amCHEON HYEJUNSubscriber
hello. I am a beginner in Lumerical FDTD. After implementing the form in the photo below, I would like to obtain the phase data displayed on the graph, but I am not sure how to access it. I asked this question because I was really not sure if there was a function to know the phase right away, or if I had to install a specific monitor on the axis and then receive and convert the data. Sorry for asking such a basic question, but can you explain with an example? ‘Set up the xy monitor and then extract Ey.’ Just explain it once, as if you were explaining it to a child who doesn’t know anything.
July 17, 2024 at 4:43 pmGreg BaethgeAnsys Employee
Hi, thank you for posting your question. The answer is not that trivial, there's no direct way to get this information from a monitor. We typically get the amplitude/phase information by calculating the S parameters of the structure. The principle is described in Metamaterial S parameter extraction. We use a dedicated analysis group from the object library for this:
The phase is obtained from angle(S), and the amplitude from abs(S)^2.
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