General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Exporting video file for specific substep range

    • carsten.ulrich

      I have run a transient simulation of an upward oscillation with 1 timestep and 1000 substeps. I have to create a video only of the last complete oscillation (substep 977 to 997), not of the entire timestep.

      This works for the animation in the ANSYS window (Play button). When exporting, however, the entire time range is always exported. How can I change this?

    • Erik Kostson
      Ansys Employee


      That is not possible as far as I know.

      As a workaround perhaps one can use a python library to cut the video perhaps.

      All the best


      • carsten.ulrich

        Hi Erik,

        would it be possible if I used 1000 fine timesteps instead of substeps?

        Best regards, Carsten

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