General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Exporting from CAD software to ANSYS

    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      After exporting from CAD software to ANSYS in .stp or even opening direct .prt file in spaceclaim, I have seen number of times that there is some minute change in design, may be a data loss because of which either a particular part's angle w.r.t origin changes or there comes some interference issue (might be because of this minute change in design). The minute change can be as low as 0.0000001 but this could create an issue. 

      Is there any way that this minute change doesnt happen ? any particular settings that need to be taken care of while exporting from CAD software as .stp file ?

      Thanks in advance

    • Willie Tillmon


      Use Recommended Formats, for example, exporting to Parasolid format before importing to ANSYS may result in less translation error

      four colors


    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      Any list of recommended formats that I should try ? Preference wise list would be helpful.


    • Sampat Kumar
      Ansys Employee

      SC tries to remove the defects of the geometry while importing into the SpaceClaim. 
      You can change the import options if you want. 

      Best Regards,

      • deepesh.p.gurdasani

        Tried changing these options but still there is data loss. Any other suggestion regarding this? 

    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      So basically if I de select 'improve imported data' , Space claim will import it just as it is ?

    • deepesh.p.gurdasani

      If anyone can guide regarding this?


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