

Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

Exporting .cdat and .cas files using TUI

    • Jose Amigo

      Hi everyone,

      I currently have multiple .dat files from a transient simulation, which I want to use in CFD post to create an animation. I wrote a journal file to read and write these files as ".cdat" and ".cas". When I use the GUI (picture below), everything works ok. However, if I do it through TUI, I only get the ".cdat" file and not the ".cas" file.

      This is the command I use in the TUI.

      /file/export/cdat-for-cfd-post-&-ensight filename cellzone_name () density quit yes

      If I write it as binary or ASCII it doesn't make a difference (yes/no at the end). I wonder if the "quit" is causing problems, which I use when the console asks for the second scalar, but I only have one.

      Any ideas are fully appreciated.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      That doesn't look to be quite the right command,

      /file/export-to-cfd-post myfile () zone or zones () field-1 field-2 etc quit no 

    • Jose Amigo

      Hi Rob,

      Thanks for the reply.

      I tried your command and apparently it does the same as cdat-for-cfd-post-&-ensight. However, I noticed the following: the first time I execute this in the TUI, it writes both .cdat and .cas files, but if I continue doing it will only keep saving .cdat files. It only works 1 time. It will only save the .cas file again if I close and re-open Fluent.


    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      If there's no change to the mesh that's normal, if you're changing mesh I'd always save case & data (not cdat) too. cdat is a cut down format too, so you can't restart a Fluent run with one. 

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