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Export values after simulation

    • N. M.

      Hello Everyone,

      I conducted a simulation involving three oscillating airfoils. Each airfoil is treated as a solid boundary, and the oscillating motion is implemented through a User-Defined Function (UDF) which computes the oscillation angle. In the 'Dynamic Mesh' section, I assign this angle to the airfoils.

      I have the .cas and .dat files from the executed simulation, and now I need to export the values of the oscillation angle of the airfoils over the simulation time. This is necessary for me to verify that the UDF has been correctly applied, because I have some doubt.

      Is it possible to export these values?

      Thank you ????.

    • Rob
      Forum Moderator

      Assuming you have case & data over the duration of the run, yes it's possible. You'd need to export some position data and then work out the angle from that: there may not be an easy way to just return angle. 

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