General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Export temperature over time

    • Zihan Zhang

      Hello, after the transient thermal analysis is done, I am wondering how we can export the temperature of each node over time at one time.

    • SaiD
      Ansys Employee

      Hey, you can create a Temperature result scoped to the appropriate geometry (or named selection). You can then right-click on this result and choose 'Create Results At all Sets'. This will create Temperature results for all the time points for which results have been stored (as per the settings in Analysis Settings > Output Controls > Store Results At). You can then export all these by right-clicking on them (one by one) and choosing Export. 

    • Vamshi Mashetty


      1.Insert temperature.
      2.Select desired time step from "Solution" tree.
      3.Go to "Results" > "Export" to save temperature data in your chosen format. You can simply follow the pictures too.

    • Zihan Zhang

      Dear all, thank you so much for your response! They are very helpful.

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