TAGGED: equivalent-strain, export-result, mechanical-apdl
November 9, 2020 at 10:53 amKoen_FranseSubscriberHello,nI have a 2D model in Workbench with different materials, of which I exported an APDL input file. I edited the input file so I can export all the nodal eqv strains to a txt file. However, since some nodes are shared by two materials, I get the following warning:nn *** WARNING *** CP = 1.203 TIME= 15:36:24n The selected element set contains mixed materials. n This could invalidate error estimation. nnFurthermore the averaging of the two strains on one node increases the wall-time for one simulation considerably. Therefore I would prefer the script to output two different strain values for one node to the txt-file and skip the averaging. Is there a method to achieve this?.Script for txt export:nn/post1n*get, _nsteps, active,,solu,ncmlsn! set,last,last ! Set to last time stepn*get,_nrNodes,NODE,0,count ! Get the total number of nodesnnfname = STRCAT(jobname,'_node_step')n! Loop over all load stepsn*do,step,1,_nsteps,1n set,step,lastn *dim,_data,table,_nrNodes,13 ! Initialize a table to store the datan *vget,NODELIST,NODE,ALL,NLISTnn ! Loop over all nodes to extract datan *do,n,1,_nrNodes,1n *get,_data(n,1),NODE,NODELIST(n),LOC,Xn *get,_data(n,2),NODE,NODELIST(n),LOC,Yn *get,_data(n,3),NODE,NODELIST(n),EPTO,EQVn *end donn *cfopen,STRCAT(fname,CHRVAL(step)),txtn *vwrite,'% node_num','% loc_x','% loc_y','% e_eqv'n %14s %14s %14s %14sn *vwrite,NODELIST(1),_data(1,1),_data(1,2),_data(1,3)n %15.6g %15.6g %15.6g %15.6gn *cfclosen*end don
December 2, 2020 at 4:23 pmdanielshawAnsys EmployeeYou need to access the element results. You can print them using PRESOL. You can also store them using an ETABLE and the *GET the results from the ETABLE.n
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