General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Expansion joint to Spring

    • Mo


      I have an Omega type expansion joint looks like attached connecting two beams together. I have number of these expansion joints in the assembly and to decrease analysis time in my FEA, I ‘ve decided to model these expansion joints as Springs. I tried to find the stiffness of the expansion joint, but not sure how to do it. When I introduce an expansion increments in x direction to one side of an expansion joint on the Fixed side I get Fx, Fy, and Mz. Same for Y direction, as when I introduce y direction displacement increments, I get F’x, F’y, M’z on the Fixed side. In this case how can I define joints between to beams as spring?





    • Ashish Khemka
      Forum Moderator


      How much time are these bodies increasing? Are you modeling them as solid bodies? What if you use shell elements to represent these bodies? Using shell elements seems a good approach.

      If you want a replacement then bushing joints can be a choice but again you will need to find the stiffness in each direction for translation and rotation.


      Ashish Khemka

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