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EV MCU thermal simulation

    • rbj

      Hi, in my controller, there are 42 MOSFETS. I am getting ECAD and IDF file electronics team and importing those into icepak. Loss value also provided from PSim by electronics team.The switch has high switching frequency, so loss is transient based on the pwm frequency. But I am using average value of heat loss in one cycle. Is that approach is right?

      And another one I have done one steady state simulation to validate my lab experiment result. But when copy pasted the same model for transient analysis I got following error

      Please give suggestion to sort out this. It will be very helpful for validation.

    • Rabindra Paul
      Ansys Employee

      Hi rbj, Thanks for asking questions in forum. For first question, I think using average value is a good choice. To model, worse case scenario, you may use some percentage larger than the average. For your other question, I would suggest to create a support case as engineer will need to review the setup and check the model. It seems you are linking with another model and the project is not getting the solution from other model. Please create a case and one of our support engineers will get back to you.


    • rbj

      Hi Rabindra Paul, I am unable to create a case. Only able to see existing case file option. Could you guide me to rise a support?

    • Rabindra Paul
      Ansys Employee


      Hi – From the message it looks like you are the customer of channel partner CADFEM so you should get support through them. If needed CP will create a support case with Ansys. Please check with your license admin or collegaue to get CP support information. Hope this helps.


    • rbj

      Thank you

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