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Error When Doing Test Job RSM on the Solver

    • David

      I have a weird issue I am hoping someone can point me in the right direction to troubleshoot. I have a RSM machine fully seutp, remote clients can send test jobs to the RSM without any issue but when I try to do a test  job on the RSM itself I am getting a failed to submit error. Any suggestions on where I can begin troubleshooting? To reiterate, remote clients can connect and send test jobs without any issue, just jobs on the solver itself are failing.




    • George Karnos
      Ansys Employee


      Can you right click on the failed job windo and choose View Debug Messages
      Post the output in that window showing all debug messages

    • David

      Thanks for responding. Last week I uninstalled and reinstalled all the  ANSYS solvers and setup the RSM again and it is now working. 

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