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Error Opening ANSYS ICEM CFD: ‘Couldn’t open splash.gif’ – Need Help

    • Haydar Oğul Ayas

      Hello everyone,

      I'm encountering an error while trying to open ANSYS ICEM CFD on my system. Despite reinstalling the software, the problem persists. Here are the details:

      "couldn't open "C:/Program Files/ANSYS Inc/v241/icemcfd/win64_amd/../../../commonfiles/images/splash.gif": no such file or directory
      while executing
      "image create photo -file [file join $splashPath "images/$aie_guiOpt(splashImage)"]"
      (procedure "DoSplash" line 17)
      invoked from within
      (procedure "AIEvnMain" line 451)
      invoked from within
      (file "C:/Program Files/ANSYS Inc/v241/icemcfd/win64_amd/lib/ai_env/init.tcl" line 1579)
      invoked from within
      "source [file join $env(ICEM_ACN) lib/ai_env/init.tcl]"
      invoked from within
      "if {[info exists env(ICEM_AI_ENVIRONMENT)] == 1} {
         if { $env(ICEM_AI_ENVIRONMENT) == 1 } {
            if {[info exists env(MED_ROOT)] && ...
      (file "C:/Program Files/ANSYS Inc/v241/icemcfd/win64_amd/lib/med/med_start.tcl" line 27)
      invoked from within
      "source $med_root/lib/med/med_start.tcl"
      ("uplevel" body line 1)
      invoked from within
      "uplevel \#0 [list source $med_root/lib/med/med_start.tcl]"

      • Operating System: Windows 11 Home
      • ANSYS Version: v241
      • Installation Directory: C:/Program Files/ANSYS Inc

      My university provided me licensed version, and I am using all of the ANSYS products via VPN. Also, I do not have any other troubles while launching the other ANSYS Products.

      If you have an idea about the error, please help me to solve it.

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee


      Did you try opening it through Workbench?

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