Ansys Free Student Software

Ansys Free Student Software

Topics cover installation and configuration of our free student products

Error of unknown cause

    • Sanghyun Lee

      Hello, Ansys support team.

      I have just downloaded the free student version of Ansys software, but I have a big problem while using it.

      When I ran Ansys Workbench and was trying to perform modal analysis in the Toolbox located on the left.

      However, in Analysis systems, only speos exists and nothing else exists.

      I would appreciate it, if you could let me know the solution.

      Best regards,

    • Rajeshwari Jadhav
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Sanghyun,

      Can you let me know from where you downloaded the student package? Did you install the package as an admin?

      Before the student version did you have any academic version installed? Can you to C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\ANSYS Student\Shared Files\licensing and check if you have any ansyslmd.ini file, if yes then please delete it.

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