General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Error in cyclic symmerty simulation

    • pavan kumar

      The meshing algorithm cannot find matching topology. Please verify the topology and the position as well as the orientation of any associated coordinate systems. 


      please tell what error is this 

    • deepak.deepak
      Ansys Employee


      A mismatch in mesh topology means the selected low and high faces of cyclic symmetry are not identical. Please check the geometry again. You might also turn on the visibility of the vertices and edges to make sure the boundaries are the same. You might also consider exploring the match control option.

      Refer: How to resolve "meshing algorithm can not find matching topology" error when meshing cyclic symmetric geometry? - Ansys Knowledge



    • pavan kumar


      Yes i did this  “show vertices” in toolbar to display vertices and double check if low and high faces are exactly the same.

      all are sme vertices but thing is 

      once we applied the cyclic symmerty to this part

      mesh won't take it showing the same error as i mentioned above 

      but if we removed the cyclic symmerty, mesh is gone through 

      but i don't understand how to solve 


      can anyone please help 

    • deepak.deepak
      Ansys Employee


      Cyclic symmetry works by connecting the low face of one sector and the high face of other sectors as shown below,

      But in your case, there might be an error in the geometry creation/preparation (can please share the top view of geometry), by observing the provided image the error might be of the case as shown below, 



    • pavan kumar

      here is thr top view

    • deepak.deepak
      Ansys Employee


      Once try to prepare the geometry as shown below, in Discovery or Space claim. And please check whether the cylindrical coordinate system is defined properly or not.

      For reference: Please check this video: Understanding When to Take Advantage of Symmetry Using Ansys Mechanical — Lesson 3 (


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