January 18, 2022 at 12:00 pm
SubscriberHey guys,
I have a problem with LS-Run. It keeps showing me this error. Can you help me please?
January 20, 2022 at 7:07 amigandiko
Ansys EmployeeI don't think its a license issue. Are there any errors in mes0000 file? LS-DYNA is probably crashing either due to a bug (considering you are running dev build) or maybe you are using incorrect command to run mpp ls-dyna? Please check the "expression" field in LS-RUN and make sure full path to microsoft MPI is provided or test the command outside of LS-RUN by opening a command terminal. A sample mpp ls-dyna command for msmpi is,
C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\mpiexec -np 2 C:/path_to_ls-dyna.exe i= input.k
If you still get errors, try a release build or maybe a different input file to check if the issue is with specific to an ls-dyna exe/k file.
January 29, 2022 at 12:55 pmMelissa28
SubscriberThank you so much for your help and attention.
In fact, it wasn't a license problem, it was my wrong input. I changed my memory preferences and it worked.
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