General Mechanical

General Mechanical

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Enlarged deformation coupled field transient analysis.

    • engr.rohan7

      Hello community,

      I am currently running a coupled field transient analysis of brake system. I have deformation plot tracker under solution information. The drum appears to be expanding in the plot as seen in the following images.

      Scale- 4x


    • engr.rohan7

      I would like to know whether the deformation is fine or should I make any changes in the simulation.

      Looking forward to the replies.



    • engr.rohan7

      As a reference here is the same deformation with true scale (1x) factor.



    • mohan.urs
      Ansys Employee

      Hey Rohan,
      ~30cm deformation seems to be a lot.
      Since its a transient it could even be possible but its difficult to answer your question without knowing what anaysis are you trying to do and what are the all the physics and boundary conditions have you considered and applied in the model.
      Also can you post a snipshot of your initial setup of the model - just to understand how the deformations are progressing.

      Mohan Urs


    • engr.rohan7

      Hello Mohan,

      I am trying to simulate a brake system using coupled field transient analysis.

      As you mentioned I am posting the snapshots of the contact formulations, loads and boundary conditions.

      Frictional contact1-

      Frictional contact2-

      The contact settings shown below is same for above 2 frictional contacts-

      Contact status is closed for both the frictional contacts.

      Next, I have defined the revolute joints of type body-ground. The Mobile body has rigid behaviour.

      Revolute joint1. This is for applying the rotational velocity.

      Revolute joint2. This is for giving the moment load for the brakeshoe pivot.

      Similarly, revolute joint3,

      The physics regions, loads are defined as follows,

      1) Physics region1-

      For the above physics region, the thermal strain is considered weak.

      2) Physics region2-

      3) Rotational velocity as joint load-

      4) Joint moment1-

      5) Joint moment2-

      6) Convection load on drum-

      7) Convection pads-

      8) Heat flux drum-

      The above mentioned loads are considered for the simulation. Also the analysis settings is shown below,

      I would like to know as to why the drum is expanding? Is it due to the rotational inertia beacause of the rotational velocity?

      Looking forward to your reply.



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