September 9, 2024 at 7:27 am
SubscriberI am currently working on a vertical taper in EME. After going through all the convergence testing (mesh convergence, cell convergence) I have been stuck on the mode convergence step.
As it seems even with 200 modes being simulated in my tapered region the solution will not converge ( to me it seems that might be overkill). Could I get some guidance on the issue.Â
September 10, 2024 at 9:40 pm
Amrita Pati
Ansys EmployeeHello,
Would you be able to tell me how many modes are you using in the two sections having the straight waveguides? Sometimes, when we have a large number of modes in the tapered section, we also need to use a large number of modes for expansion in the straight waveguides so that the mode-matching is more accurate.Â
If you are using a lower number, can you try increasing this value, and then run this convergence test?
September 11, 2024 at 1:58 pm
SubscriberHi Amrita,
thank you for the fast reply. As of now I am simulating the same number of modes in the straight waveguide sections as I am in the taper region. I have also noticed that for this geometry in theory the longer the taper length should be the closer it should get to converging S21 and S12 equaling to 1. According to my results after a certain length my S parameters max out at about .94 and then start dropping in value the longer it is.
September 16, 2024 at 7:57 pm
SubscriberHi Amrita,
I was wondering if you had any advice regarding the issue.
September 11, 2024 at 5:47 pm
Amrita Pati
Ansys EmployeeHi Lucio,
Thanks for confirming! So when you increase the number of modes for the convergence testing, are you simultaneously increasing it for all the cell groups?Â
Regarding the transmission, I believe you are using lossless waveguides, is that correct?
September 11, 2024 at 6:51 pm
SubscriberHi Amrita,
that is correct, in the simulation the waveguides are lossless. If it helps at all I will attach my code along with a screenshot of my sweep (also for debuggin purposes I have seen that turning off csvs and energy conservation helped some of my paramaters conerge.
selectall; deleteall; clear;Âselectall; deleteall; clear;Âif(materialexists("TFLN"))Â{Âdeletematerial("TFLN");Â}ÂÂ####################Defining TFLN###########################Â#Indices of refraction for substrate & waveguide layersdelta_n = 0;n_TFLN = [2.21; 2.14; 2.21];temp = addmaterial("Dielectric");setmaterial(temp,"name","TFLN");setmaterial("TFLN", "Anisotropy", 1); # enable diagonal anisotropysetmaterial("TFLN","Refractive Index", n_TFLN);ÂÂ########## SETTING UP VARIABLES THAT CAN BE PARAMETRIZED ##################wg_taper_length=20e-6;wg_height=0.3e-6;slab_height=0.3e-6;s_angle=pi/3;add_length=wg_height/tan(s_angle);wg_width=2.5e-6;l=10.25e-6;etch=550e-9;Â##Setting Wg1addrect;set("x min",-3e-6);set("x max",0);set("y",0);set("y span",wg_width);set("z min",0);set("z max",wg_height+slab_height);set("name","Waveguide1");set("material","TFLN");Â##Setting Up Waveguide Middlevtx=[0,0;0,wg_height+slab_height;wg_taper_length,wg_height+slab_height-etch;wg_taper_length,0];addpoly;set("vertices",vtx);set("z",0);set("z span",wg_width);set("x",0);set("y",0);Â set("first axis","x");Â set("rotation 1",90);Â set("name","Taper");Â set("material","TFLN");Â###Setting Wg2#addrect;#set("x min",wg_taper_length);#set("x max",wg_taper_length+3e-6);#set("y",0);#set("y span",wg_width);#set("z min",0);#set("z max",wg_height+slab_height-etch);#set("name","Waveguide2");#set("material","TFLN");ÂÂÂaddmesh;set("based on a structure",1);set("structure","Taper");set("buffer",0.1e-6);set("dy",100e-9);set("dz",1e-9);Â#addmesh;#set("based on a structure",1);#set("structure","Waveguide2");#set("buffer",0.1e-6);#set("dy",50e-9);#set("dz",1e-9);Âaddmesh;set("based on a structure",1);set("structure","Waveguide1");set("buffer",0.1e-6);set("dy",100e-9);set("dz",1e-9);ÂÂÂyspan=6e-6;zspan=6e-6;Âaddeme;set("index",1.4440);set("x min",-1e-6);set("y min",-yspan);set("y max",yspan);set("z max",zspan);set("z min",-zspan);set("y min bc","metal");set("y max bc","metal");set("z min bc","metal");set("z max bc","metal");set("number of cell groups",2);set("group spans",[1e-6;wg_taper_length]);set("cells",[1;50]);set("subcell method",[0; 0]);set("energy conservation",1);set("number of modes for all cell groups",60);#set("allow custom eigensolver settings",1);#set("modes",[20;60]);set("wavelength",1.55e-6);set("display cells",1);set("mesh cells y",60);set("mesh cells z",60);#set("min mesh step",0.5e-9);ÂÂ### Setting up Port 1 ###select("EME::Ports::port_1");set("use full simulation span",1);set("mode selection","fundamental TE mode");ÂÂ#### Setting up Port 2 ###select("EME::Ports::port_2");set("use full simulation span",1);set("mode selection","fundamental TE mode");Â
September 11, 2024 at 6:57 pm
SubscriberHi Amrita,
this is the code with the waveguide added at the end:
selectall; deleteall; clear;Âselectall; deleteall; clear;Âif(materialexists("TFLN"))Â{Âdeletematerial("TFLN");Â}ÂÂ####################Defining TFLN###########################Â#Indices of refraction for substrate & waveguide layersdelta_n = 0;n_TFLN = [2.21; 2.14; 2.21];temp = addmaterial("Dielectric");setmaterial(temp,"name","TFLN");setmaterial("TFLN", "Anisotropy", 1); # enable diagonal anisotropysetmaterial("TFLN","Refractive Index", n_TFLN);ÂÂ########## SETTING UP VARIABLES THAT CAN BE PARAMETRIZED ##################wg_taper_length=20e-6;wg_height=0.3e-6;slab_height=0.3e-6;s_angle=pi/3;add_length=wg_height/tan(s_angle);wg_width=2.5e-6;l=10.25e-6;etch=550e-9;Â##Setting Wg1addrect;set("x min",-3e-6);set("x max",0);set("y",0);set("y span",wg_width);set("z min",0);set("z max",wg_height+slab_height);set("name","Waveguide1");set("material","TFLN");Â##Setting Up Waveguide Middlevtx=[0,0;0,wg_height+slab_height;wg_taper_length,wg_height+slab_height-etch;wg_taper_length,0];addpoly;set("vertices",vtx);set("z",0);set("z span",wg_width);set("x",0);set("y",0);Â set("first axis","x");Â set("rotation 1",90);Â set("name","Taper");Â set("material","TFLN");Â##Setting Wg2addrect;set("x min",wg_taper_length);set("x max",wg_taper_length+3e-6);set("y",0);set("y span",wg_width);set("z min",0);set("z max",wg_height+slab_height-etch);set("name","Waveguide2");set("material","TFLN");ÂÂÂaddmesh;set("based on a structure",1);set("structure","Taper");set("buffer",0.1e-6);set("dy",100e-9);set("dz",1e-9);Âaddmesh;set("based on a structure",1);set("structure","Waveguide2");set("buffer",0.1e-6);set("dy",100e-9);set("dz",1e-9);Âaddmesh;set("based on a structure",1);set("structure","Waveguide1");set("buffer",0.1e-6);set("dy",100e-9);set("dz",1e-9);ÂÂÂyspan=6e-6;zspan=6e-6;Âaddeme;set("index",1.4440);set("x min",-1e-6);set("y min",-yspan);set("y max",yspan);set("z max",zspan);set("z min",-zspan);set("y min bc","metal");set("y max bc","metal");set("z min bc","metal");set("z max bc","metal");set("number of cell groups",3);set("group spans",[1e-6;wg_taper_length;1e-6]);set("cells",[1;50;1]);set("subcell method",[0; 1; 0]);set("energy conservation",1);set("number of modes for all cell groups",60);#set("allow custom eigensolver settings",1);#set("modes",[20;60]);set("wavelength",1.55e-6);set("display cells",1);#set("mesh cells y",60);#set("mesh cells z",60);#set("min mesh step",0.5e-9);ÂÂ### Setting up Port 1 ###select("EME::Ports::port_1");set("use full simulation span",1);set("mode selection","fundamental TE mode");ÂÂ#### Setting up Port 2 ###select("EME::Ports::port_2");set("use full simulation span",1);set("mode selection","fundamental TE mode");
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