LS Dyna

LS Dyna

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Element type of the automatic volume mesher

    • JP
      Hi everyone, 
      Currently I am running ICFD with properties of a blood vessel on LS-DYNA. I am using a user defined surface mesh with the keywords *MESH_SURFACE_ELEMENT, *MESH_SURFACE_NODE and *MESH_VOLUME. Now I am wondering what types of element the automatic mesher in LS-DYNA generates by default. I know that it is tethrahedron, but is it a 4-node tethrahedron for the fluidmesh? Is there discontinuous pressure interpolation, do I have to worry about locking? 
      Thanks for helping me!
    • Raman Babu
      Ansys Employee

      Hello JP,

      The automatic volume mesh generator for the ICFD solver in LS-DYNA is designed to create tetrahedral elements for 3D simulations. These tetrahedral elements are indeed 4-node tetrahedrons, which are used to discretize the fluid domain. There is no pressure locking in ICFD.


      Raman Babu

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